First Lutheran Church
3939 Cheyenne Blvd | Sioux City, IA 51104 | 712-239-3942
Pastor Kristine Stedje | ELCA
Vicar Bruce Pollock
Online Giving
Give a gift now by bank account.
Utilizing our time, our talent and our financial giving, there are multiple ways to respond in gratitude for all God has given us. You do not need to be a member of this congregation to give, this opportunity is for us all. Here are just a few suggestions:
If you volunteer at the Food Pantry, bring a friend with you
If you sing in the choir, offer to serve as the communion cantor
If you appreciate being greeted each Sunday morning, take a turn as a greeter
If you worship with us on-line, make a habit of greeting on-line worshippers. Your connection, no matter how small, may mean a lot to someone else.
If you like thinking about the “big picture,” offer to serve on the council
If you play an instrument, practice a piece for worship and share your gift
If you have a paintbrush, hammer or screwdriver, volunteer to repair, paint or dismantle a project on the church grounds.
If you worship with us on-line, imagine how your talents could be given to those in your neighborhood or apartment building, at your work, or within your family.
TITHE (financial giving):
If you give $10 per week, increase your giving by $1.
If you write a check once in awhile, apply for Simply Giving and give based on a consistent schedule. See this section of the website for details on how to get started.
If you haven’t given in a long time, or never, start this year, set a personal goal and work toward being generous.
Let these ideas generate your own ideas. Whatever you decide to do, be generous! For it is because of God’s generosity we can be grateful for what we have and what we can give. It is a matter of faith and faithfulness to the God who loves us.
Simply Giving
Stewardship is our joyful response to all God has done. It is a way we grow in faith and connect ourselves in a meaningful and tangible way with God's mission in the world. Your financial gift to First Lutheran Church during this time of suspended worship services will allow us to continue our ministry together. You may send a check or sign up for Simply Giving. Contact the office for more information or assistance in supporting this congregation with your financial gift.
Simply Giving form here.
When you are unable to attend worship, or if you prefer to give to the ministries of this congregation on line, you have the opportunity to do so by completing the information requested.
To give now, click here.
1. Enter the amount you wish to give!
2. Designate your gift! (Choose one or multiple designations)
General Fund (supporting the overall ministries)
Amplify the Good News (sound system upgrade)
Benevolence (churchwide synod, ELCA)
Food Pantry (food for weekly local distribution)
Radio/Livestream Broadcasts (donation to radio ministry)
Youth, Memorial, or Endowment funds.
3. Choose how often you will be giving. (Once, Weekly, Monthly)
4. Enter your email address, click CONTINUE.
(you can also create an account for next time)
5. Enter your bank's 9-digit routing number and your account number. (Include your name, billing information)
6. A contribution receipt will be sent to the email provided.
Thank you for your financial contribution to the ministries of First Lutheran Church.
At this time we do not provide the ability to give by way of credit card. If you are willing to give a few cents more to defray the cost of administration, be sure to check the box to include processing costs.
Online Giving (by bank account)